Friday, December 30, 2011

Weathered by the Storm

My parents met when they were 19. Despite going to different schools, they started dating and became engaged about five months later. What did their respective parents think of it? “Not much” and “Well, we can’t stop you” were the enthusiastic responses. A marriage counselor told them they were not ready for the altar. Their friends half-joked that they wouldn’t last a year. Mom second-guessed her decision all the way up to the wedding. Their neighbors had bets going on how soon they would get divorced.
Today, my parents celebrate their 38th anniversary. In a world that doesn’t understand commitment, their relationship is a lighthouse that shines with a kind of love that is rarer and rarer: the love of many years, weathered by hardship, and strengthened by the constant act of holding on. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad.
~Lisa Shafter

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Michael and Rhonda!!! "No man (or woman) is a failure who has friends." Your faithful friendship to one another is an anchor for your friends (including your children). Thank you for your faithful friendship to me and my family as well. Hope you find joy today together.
    Peace, Kerry
