Saturday, August 4, 2012

Europe: The Bike Ride, a Story in Pictures

Today, Uncle Steve and I took a bike ride, which involved open countryside, fresh air, cows and horses, mysterious fairy-tale forest, a few wrong turns, and me running into a mailbox. Also, Uncle Steve is the best on-bike photographer I’ve met. Here are some of the action shots.

This country has amazing bike paths!

The sign proves I'm not in America.


Where do we go from here?

This foal still had its "baby fuzz."

It takes intense concentration for me to remain upright AND steer at the same time.

Lost again...

Taking a look at my surroundings.

The Road goes ever on and on...


  1. Lisa! Love the photos! We are living vicariously through your travels! One thing I wanted to mention and I don't know if you even have control over this, but it is difficult for us old folks to read the black text on the grey background with the varied tones of dark grey to light grey...even with glasses on. Maybe white text on the grey if possible. I want to read all your wonderful messages. Just a thought. Love Gma K

    1. Another way to do your blog with Gma K is to change the size of your blog text. Just go to large. I assume she is trying to read your blog on her phone? Or maybe bold the text. . . at least the captions? Fun to see the picts of you.

  2. The blog shows up really weird on a mobile device... I just found a place to change it, so hopefully the text is easier to read now. :)
