Why you should go: The Grand Canyon is breathtaking beyond all reason, but as far as I’m concerned, Zion Canyon is a close second. This natural wonder offers incredible views, beautiful and challenging hikes, and unique sites of landscape that can blow your mind.
How to get there: As with most places in the US, you need a car. You can find detailed driving directions on the website.
What to bring: Admission, good for one consecutive week, is $25 per vehicle unless you have a National Parks Pass. This is the desert, so bring an array of hats, sunblock, and more water than you think is possible to drink. No special hiking gear is required.
What else you need to know: Allow a full day for hiking, take frequent breaks, and pace yourself. Dress in layers so you can keep your body at a comfortable temperature. Take advantage of the shuttle system to learn more about the park, rest, and regain your energy before attempting another hike. Take lots of photos— they’ll make great desktop backgrounds later!
Hey! Loving the photo. You're certainly much braver than me. I'm not one for heights. Zion is one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited. You can see some of my photos on http://ow.ly/cmEe0. Rach