Friday, June 22, 2012

10 Photos of Me Being Awesome in the Pacific Northwest

Today, as a gift to all the pleading fans, I give you 10 pictures of me being awesome. Since there are just too many photos of my awesomeness, I had to narrow it down to the Northwest. No really, don’t thank me. It’s truly more blessed to give than to receive…
Being profound in Portland's Shakespeare Garden (years before I fell in love with a guy from the City of Roses). 

Soaking in the moment at some random place in Seattle.

Contemplating the exact rules about prepositional phrases near Port Townsend, Washington.

Trying to remember a thing called "sunlight" in wintery Portland.

Wondering why Missouri doesn't have more trees this awesome, in Seaside, Oregon.

Being just plain epic at Multnomah Falls, Oregon.
Making good use of my lightsaber in Bellingham, Washington (also being very young— check out that acne!)

Stretching photogenically in Portland.

Attempting to look pensive and meaningful at Bandon, Oregon. 

Being awesome at Larabee State Park, Washington. Sometimes, you just have to share the awesomeness with someone.


  1. Hello,
    I came across your website and found it very enjoyable. I just had a couple of questions so if you could e-mail me back that would be great!

  2. Sure! What do you want to know? :)
