Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Headline-Skimming Blogger Makes Generalized Assumptions Based on Incredibly Small Sample Size

I heard that my living room looks like this and that I hang out here all the time.

Several months ago, I noticed something strange about the way I talked about things on the Internet.

I would read a single article headline (not even the article, just the headline!), and later tell Zach, "I heard that [xyz] happened."

I would see a couple people post about a news event on Instagram, and I'd later say, "Everyone's talking about [news event]."

I would read a single post from a Black influencer on Facebook, and later repeat their words in conversation as if their particular position was the consensus of the entire Black community. 

Once I began noticing this trend, I became surprised at how much of my reality I constructed from two or three bits of information or statements on the Internet! 

Some of these perceptions are harmless. For instance, just yesterday I found myself thinking, "It seems like no one's into essential oils anymore"… and then I realized it's because I used to read "clean eating" blogs, and don't anymore. But other assumptions can be incredibly harmful, sparking a fantasy world constructed out of carefully cherry-picked pieces of the internet. 

So, I've been trying to change the way I speak, to remind myself of this. For instance:

"I read a headline that said [xyz]. Did you hear anything about that?" 

"Several of the Instagram accounts I follow were talking about [news event]."

"I read one Black influencer's response to this, and here's what they said."

It's a small change, but it's a constant reminder to me that what I'm saying is based on very limited information. By framing it this way, it helps me determine whether this subject is one that I'm willing to actually research— and if not, it prevents me from acting as if I know something about it when I don't.

It's been a good practice for me, and perhaps you'll find it useful, too.


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