Sunday, April 19, 2020

Our Yard: Late March vs. Mid April 2020

The garden is really taken off now! The last frost is past, warmer weather is here, and rain is on the way. Here's how the yard has changed over the past couple weeks (and look for a full homestead update tomorrow!).

First, the backyard:

March 27th: Mostly clover

April 18th: Our new rain barrel! Plus look how much the cherry, elder, and comfrey (don't know what comfrey is? Learn more here!) have leafed out!

March 27th

April 18th: The hazel (left) and pears (right) are leafing out nicely!

March 27th

April 18th: Mostly just the comfrey has grown an awful lot
Now, the much less dramatic front yard:

March 27th: Chives, rye

April 27th: Chives and rye, but this time with worse lighting
March 27th: Rye with some rogue kale

April 18th: The rye is now like two feet tall. I'm kind of stunned that we haven't gotten a weed violation yet! (The point of the rye is to hold fertility in the soil so it didn't wash away over the winter. We are hoping to leave it until we're ready to plant our summer crops— corn, beans, squash, and peanuts— in this bed.)
March 27th: Tiny kale

April 18th: Monster kale! (Still waiting for our tiny sad little spring crops to grow. Also have some garlic and stuff. The shrubs on the end are hazel, and the one to the left is a fig that hasn't come out of hibernation yet.)
March 27th: Elder and strawberries

April 18th: Elder and strawberries and proof that my phone camera can't handle dramatic light.

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