Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Travel Tip Tuesdays: Staying Healthy on the Road

“How do I stay healthy when I’m traveling?”
I’ve been sick when traveling before, and it’s no fun. Sometimes, there’s just nothing you can do about it, but many kinds of sicknesses are preventable. Here are my five best tips.
And the moral of the story is: don't walk eight miles
in the open sun when the heat index is 110 degrees.
Know what makes you sick. For instance, if I eat too much sugar or miss a lot of sleep, I’m guaranteed to get a cold. If you understand what makes your body break down, you can know what to avoid.
Eat your vitamins. It’s best to do this in the form of actual food (I brought a gallon bag of kale along on this trip, and that blast of nutrients every morning has helped a lot), but tablets are still better than nothing. 
Drink the local water if you can. Unfamiliar water makes a lot of people sick, so if that happens to you, switch to bottled. However, if your system can take the local tap water, use this opportunity to strengthen your immune system by introducing it to foreign elements.
Stretch and exercise a lot. Since I average walking six to ten miles a day, the “exercise” part is easy for me, but I often forget to stretch. Take every opportunity to flex those sore muscles. (I really like the stretches from “3 Minutes to a Pain-Free Life.”) Your body will thank you.
Take it easy. Stress makes you sick as quick as germs do. Be sure to leave lots of margin in your schedule, stay positive, and plan ahead to help you avoid frantic situations. When you’re relaxed and optimistic, not only will you stay healthier, but you’ll have a much better trip!
Have a travel question? Leave a comment and I’ll answer!

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