Thursday, January 19, 2012

Locks of Love

Today, I had my first professional haircut. Yes, it’s true: I’ve relied on my dear mother (and lately, sister) to trim my hair whenever it was getting too unruly. I decided one day that I wanted a professional haircut. But, of course, I didn’t want to pay for one— think of what I could do with all that money I’d waste on hair! That’s when I learned that a lot of salons will give you a free haircut if you donate your hair to Locks of Love. Thus, I determined that I was going to grow out my hair and get my first professional cut at the same time.
That was three years ago. Yes, I have waited three years so that I could donate a full twelve inches and still have enough hair to put into a ponytail. Finally, today, I was ready.

The women at Fantastic Sam’s were nice, and the stylist, Christy, spent longer than I expected trimming my hair up so it would look just right. I looked at the four ponytails she snipped from my locks: they looked thin and a little scraggly, but I hoped the people at Locks of Love could find a use for them anyway. After I bid Christy goodbye and left, I tried to tie my hair back in a ponytail and laughed that I had already forgotten there is only a tiny poof of hair when I bind it up.
I’ll miss my long “hippie hair,” I love the sensation of swishing my hair around when I swing my head side to side. However, mostly I’m excited about how much easier it will be to take care of when I hit the road in five days!

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