Monday, April 18, 2011

Day Thirteen: Rainfall

After spending all day inside tutoring the 11-year old L., editing papers, washing dishes and eating copious amounts of hummus and avocado, I looked outside to see the rainclouds clearing and the evening sun pouring through. Clearly it was time for a walk.
I love the earth after a rain, and seeing Utah bathed in wetness is a double pleasure, since the landscape doesn’t know what to do with this strange thing called moisture. The grass, laden with drops, shone vibrant green, a shoulder-cloak for the mountains still spackled in snow. The clouds above whisked and billowed and twined through each other in a silent dance of the sun’s brief appearance before nighttime swathed the world.
~Lisa Shafter
Money spent today: $0
Leeway so far: $80.22

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having quite a pensive experience in the land of LDS. That's good, Lisa. I'm sure you will come away with some new facets to your thinking.
