Friday, February 26, 2016

What I Learned on my Summer Vacation (or, Life Lessons from the PCT)

Encourage other people instead of judging them.

Keep yourself well fed. Always.

Never let yourself feel like your accomplishments are worth nothing just because someone’s better or more experienced than you.

Also, Stehekin's bakery has the best cinnamon rolls that have ever existed.
Going into debt is bad. But being malnourished and incredibly stressed about spending two bucks on a bag of Fritos is much worse. When you’re literally starving, buy the Fritos. 

Ask people to help you. Seriously.

Some days, you have to take things one step at a time.

Don’t complain.

Huckleberries are one the best foods ever.

How hard or easy something is is almost purely mental.

The world is full of incredibly generous people.

Throwing fits is not cool. Neither is screaming at your husband. Try to avoid these situations.

Forgive always. Forgive yourself.

People are most important.

When in doubt, spend the money, take the time off, stick around for the trail magic, hike the fewer miles.

Bears are amazing. 

Climate control, fresh vegetables, indoor plumbing, and cotton are incredible luxuries, and you should never take them for granted.

Eating three candy bars, mashed potatoes, pasta and oatmeal every day is not in fact a balanced diet.

California, Oregon and Washington are states that everyone should visit at least once.

The world’s natural resources are limited and precious. Guard them, and you guard yourself.

Forest fires are scary but necessary to the ecosystem. Also, the national forest service can be trusted to shut down any trail that’s really dangerous.

Trust people.

Emotional maturity requires discipline.

I am not easily bored, but I am easily jaded.

If you decide that you’re going to stick with something, and believe it to your core, you will see it to its end.

Nostalgia cures all wounds.

You’re stronger than you think.


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