Friday, May 8, 2020

How to Support My Work

I've been actively blogging as The Traveling Mandolin for nine years now— crazy! If you've been following along at home, you've read accounts of my various solo adventures, philosophical ramblings about Tolkien's work, lots of random thoughts, a host of travel tips, and, more recently, many posts about urban homesteading, books, and environmentalism. 

This blog is really a labor of love for me, and although I've often thought about how to make it a career— curating more focused subject matter, being more consistent in my content creation, etc., I always come back to writing about what moves me, what I'm interested in, and what I want to share with the world. Many of you have been along for the ride for many years, and I sincerely thank you for it.

With that in mind, though, I'd love to engage a bit more with you all, my readers. I've created a survey to help me understand what you'd like to see from my blog, and how I can be of service to you and bring content that you're truly interested in. The survey is only five questions long, so it won't take long to fill out!

I also wanted to write this post to spell out some great ways to support my blogging. I often feel shy about asking for help, but if there's one thing I've learned throughout the years, it's that people often want to help, if only you ask. 

Here are five ways you can support me and this blog:

1. Fill out this quick five-question survey about the kinds of blog posts you'd like to see. This will help me get a sense of which posts I should focus on and which I should leave in the drafts folder until the moment feels right.

2. Follow my Facebook page and Instagram account and tell your friends. I'm going to try to be more active on these, so feel free to follow along! If you have any friends who might enjoy learning about gardening, travel, or urban homesteading, please recommend these pages to them, too.

3. Check out my greeting cards for sale on Zazzle. Did you know that I do illustration work? Some of my favorite drawings are featured on greeting cards at my Zazzle store, so if you need a card for a special occasion, check them out!

4. Leave a small tip on my Ko-Fi page. This platform allows you to send money to content creators to thank them for their work. If my blog has brought value to your life, this is a great way to support my blogging and allow me to keep doing what I do!

5. Keep reading the blog! Although I love it when people leave comments, even if you never do, just knowing that people are reading and enjoying my blog (or at least thinking about things in a new way) makes me very happy. 

Thanks for your support, y'all! 




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