Sunday, April 10, 2011

Epic Trip Out West, Days Fives and Six: Chilling

The past couple days have been spent with the family who agreed to put me up in exchange for some work. So far I’ve washed dishes, help prepare food for a party, eat half the food I was supposed to be arranging on platters, and getting to know warm parents, a fine young lady, and the two awesome boys who comprise the L. family. 
This morning, even though I’m Protestant, I attended an LDS church along with the L’s. I was surprised to see that I knew half the songs in the hymnal and to find the service format somewhat familiar. Before today, I didn’t understand why Mormons consider themselves Christians. But after seeing the people invoke the name of Jesus to thank Him for his atoning death, and praise God the Father and be moved by the Spirit, I began to understand them on a deeper level. Here are people with a deep faith, and far too often all people think of to say is, “They have a lotta wives, right?”
Today was another remind to get off my butt and out of my comfort zone. I’m always surprised at what I can learn.
~Lisa Shafter
Money spent: $0
Leeway: $29.36


  1. What?!? Mormons are people, too??? I thought they were just a part of an HBO TV show! I've never seen the show but I don't suppose that TV's depiction of Mormons is an more accurate than their depictions are of other Christians. Unfortunately too many people never look past the labels and the stereotypes...

    We should all get out of our comfort zones a little more often but it's just so darned comfortable in here!

  2. All I know about members of the LDS is they wear special underwear and they have a beautiful temple right around the corner from my house. However, there was one year I was flying back and forth between Oregon and St. Louis -- with a stop over in Salt Lake City. I talked to many people from that city on the plane and they all seemed normal.
