Today, my husband moved my writing desk from our spare room (sometimes called the Tent Room because our tent is set up in there, or the Refrigerator Room because we cut off the heat in there to save on our energy bill) into our bedroom. My dad made me this desk, as a high school graduation present if I recall correctly. It’s a honey-colored quarter-circle that fits neatly into a corner. He made me a little bookshelf to go along with it: its sloping sides resemble the shape of two violins. Now I’m sitting in the corner of my (much-warmer-than-downstairs) bedroom, looking out the window at the sunset.
For some reason, the simple transfer of a piece of furniture made me feel more moved-in to this house than I have felt in months. In a fit of housewifery, I measured the windows and made notes about what kind of curtains I’m going to make. I have books on an actual shelf, a chair at my desk, and a happiness that is warming my toes.
I’m off to make supper and try out my mom’s salmon patties recipe, which I adored as a kid. But I’ll return soon enough to my desk, as I nest more and more in this lovely little house of mine.
It's so important to productivity to set a work space in place. So glad you have done this since it seems key to imaginative work. Don't ask me how I know. : )