Monday, July 23, 2012

Mm, Graham Crackers!

I’m pretty good at denial. If something is stressing me out, or demanding my attention, or rapidly approaching a deadline, my mind adeptly heads it off, shuts it down, and ignores it.
After lunch today, I looked at my Europe to-do list. It’s still very long. It still contains items such as “Find a place to crash in Chicago the night before your flight,” “Book hostel for first night in Amsterdam,” and “Figure out where the heck you’re going from there.” Staring at the list, overwhelmed at everything that still needs to be done, I leaped into action: I ate a package of graham crackers and a glass of milk. I washed dishes. I considered honing my piano skills. I tried to start packing and only got as far as cleaning out the backpack. Finally I picked up a stack of Rick Steve’s books and lost myself on the Internet, searching for volunteer and couchsurfing hosts. I made some progress. 
I’m leaving for Chicago in one week. I’m leaving for Europe in one week and one day. Nine days from now, I will wake up and realize that I’m in Amsterdam.
Nope, still not registering. Time to eat more graham crackers.

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