Friday, November 4, 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011: A Slow Start

On November 1st, I sat down in a half-asleep frenzy and began banging on the keyboard of my Macbook. “The War had been going on for as long as anyone could remember, and as far as Renn and everyone else in Glynhaven were concerned, it would go on for the rest of eternity.” Thus began my novel for 2011, with me running along behind the action with no clue of where it was going.
I am still running. This novel wanders to and fro, meandering over the genres, mixing metaphors, introducing characters who will most likely fade away halfway through. Renn is a nearly blank slate, all the names sound too much alike, and I seem to have forgotten how to give any character a personality. The story doesn’t even have a title.
I’m used to snagging an idea early on and letting it mull in the back of my brain. I’m used to developing a semi-cohesive plot before beginning, and working out the main character’s sketches before proceeding. Not so this year. This year I just plunged in.
Yesterday, I honestly considered giving up. I’m just not feeling it this year, I thought.
Then I realized that was ridiculous. Lisa Shafter, give up on NaNoWriMo? Preposterous! Yes, the story doesn’t make sense at this point. Yes, it’s random and the characters are stupid. But, in the wise words of my former self: “It’s first draft. Why would I want to read it?” 
Hence, I begin blogging for the season. I’m running late on everything except word count: as of yesterday, I have written 5,010 words— right on schedule. And, as everyone knows, the only important accomplishment in NaNoWriMo is your word count. Welcome to the wild ride!
~Lisa Shafter

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