Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tolkien Quotes: Useless

“I will not have him slain. It is useless to meet revenge with revenge: it will heal nothing.”
This quote, simple and direct, sums up everything I believe about revenge. Both modern and ancient culture have been obsessed with revenge, equating it with honor or necessity. Every human heart (including mine) hungers after “getting even,” feeling that even if it doesn’t right a wrong, it will still bring some sort of satisfaction.
Frodo’s words get to the heart of the issue: it is our duty, our right, and our privilege to heal. This world is scarred and full of enough destructive cycles without our help. This isn’t about justice or personal satisfaction or how you feel at all; it is a stern reminder of our calling to build up rather than tear down. 
Revenge is a never-ending cycle of ripping at wounds. Forgiveness is an act of redemption that frees everyone— especially the one who must forgive— from the bonds of bitterness. “Bless those you persecute you; bless and do not curse.” Forgiveness is one of the most obvious ways we can shine our light for the whole world to see, and it is the one we are most reluctant to embrace. We must soften our hearts, free our minds, and set to work doing what we can for the healing of our world.
~Lisa Shafter

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