Saturday, September 10, 2011

Katy Trail Hike: The Conclusion

The hike was good for me in several ways. First of all, it showed me that I can stand a lot of heat, and can carry a reasonably weighty pack without injuring myself. I also learned some important things about myself, namely: Fig A I don’t like camping alone, and Fig B I don’t think I’m hardcore enough for true backpacking. 

I like being within range of an ambulance, and camping with comforts like marshmallows and firewood, and seeing other people on the road, and stopping at little towns along the way to fill up with water. These realizations disappointed me in one way, but on the other they made me happy: I’ve discovered my comfort zone, so I can know when to stay in it, and when to step out.
The trip did a lot to curb the wanderlust that I often feel in autumn… for a few days. My mind is full of dark forests and urban mazes yet to explore, and I’m still debating whether to follow their call or stick with my early declaration that I was staying home at least until January. In the meantime, back to the daily routines of life, while my wanderlust broods in the back of my head. Who knows what the next few months will hold?
~Lisa Shafter

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